Categorie: Munca

  • „Mainstream” se schimba

    In “Formal Theories of Mass Behaviour”, William McPhee noted that a disproportionate share of the audience for a hit was made up of people who consumed few products of that type. (Many other studies have since reached the same conclusion.) A lot of the people who read a bestselling novel, for example, do not read…

  • Trenuri de mare viteza

    Citeam zilele astea in ziar (fara gluma apropo de ce am zis mai devreme) despre planuri de implementare a unui tren de mare viteza care sa uneasca orasele principale in mai putin de 2 ore. Momentan de la Londra la Manchester fac 2 ore (cu un tren Virgin Pendolino – solutia adaptata pentru infrastructura curenta…

  • Cum se angajeaza oamenii

    There are three questions you have when you’re hiring a programmer (or anyone, for that matter): Are they smart? Can they get stuff done? Can you work with them? Someone who’s smart but doesn’t get stuff done should be your friend, not your employee. You can talk your problems over with them while they procrastinate…

  • Nevasta sau casa?

    „After all in the Chinese view of society, building a family is the right thing to do, and not doing so is hard for others to accept. This past Chinese New Year was the most painful in my life. Relatives, friends who came home from other provinces and old classmates didn’t understand my choice and…

  • Inca una cu haine si branduri

    Acum ceva vreme cand s-a lansast Polyvore si m-am inscris ca sa ma joc un pic cu ideea (prin 2007 parca) mi se parea genial ca poti sa iti creezi propriul mic butic in acest context. Daca oamenii vor haine si sa se joace cu haine, sa le puna in seturi, sa faca pe jurnalistii…

  • Slujba de femeie

    Luni e una din zilele atat de plictisitoare sau enervante incat nu stiu cum imi fac curaj sa ma duc la cursuri dar cert este ca tot ajung cumva la ele si reusesc sa stau toata ziua si uneori nu stiu de ce. Printre altele, s-a discutat despre rolul practicantului de PR si undeva pe…