Cum să te gândești la carieră pe termen lung

Știi cum e, găsești un articol bun pe twitter, îl citești și te gândești că e foarte bine scris, cauți să vezi cine e omul și descoperi că ești de fapt în același grup/imperiu cu el – Publicis. Așa mai auzim și noi unii de alții:

Learning is never easy and if you are growing there will be days that the pain will feel more like a signal that you dislike your job rather than you are building new expertise. The best jobs have flow which is a combination of competence and challenge and sometimes the challenge can be quite daunting. Finally, we are all living in a time of great change,  chaos and velocity which is filled with uncertainty . The most relevant and most transformative industries are in the eye of the storm and this can make a day at work feel like a day in the high speed spin cycle of a laundry machine.

Do not make job or career decisions with three to five month horizons but  three to five year horizons. Try to give each company  or assignment or adventure at least three years and if it is an industry or company at least five. Your decision making will be better, your skills will mature and you will take daily and weekly gyrations in perspective.

Ten career learnings by @rishad

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  1. Mda…cam asa e!