„Plătește cât vrei”

Caut niște materiale pe marginea subiectului. Am găsit niște chestii interesante pe care vreau să le las aici pentru mai târziu sau pentru cine e interesat/fascinat de subiectul „plătește cât vrei” pe românește, „pay what you want” în engleză, gen experimentul Radiohead „In Rainbows”.

Unu, despre valori ce nu pot fi reproduse:

From my study of the network economy I see roughly eight categories of intangible value that we buy when we pay for something that could be free. In a real sense, these are eight things that are better than free. Eight uncopyable values.  I call them „generatives.” generative value is a quality or attribute that must be generated, grown, cultivated, nurtured. A generative thing can not be copied, cloned, faked, replicated, counterfeited, or reproduced. It is generated uniquely, in place, over time. In the digital arena, generative qualities add value to free copies, and therefore are something that can be sold.

Kevin Kelly – Better than Free (2008)

Doi, despre cum elementul de noutate dispare și devine enervant și obositor să alegi mereu prețul:

As for Radiohead’s In Rainbows, creative projects are released with voluntary pricing every day. But it has been a long time since I remember any such project hitting the headlines. And, since some of the PWYW appeal was surely publicity, the model was always reliant to some extent on novelty.

Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University in Virginia (also a thoughtful food critic and author of An Economist Gets Lunch) predicted in 2010 that the model would rarely work for restaurants. The novelty would wear off, and repeat customers might find the burden of choosing the right price discomfiting. The margin for error is small: musicians such as Radiohead or Palmer can carry free riders because the cost of distributing digital music is low. Restaurants will swiftly be wiped out if many customers pay little or nothing.

Tim Harford – Pay what you want pricing

Trei, dacă vrei ca sistemul să meargă cât de cât trebuie să creezi o senzație de comunitate sau să simți că cineva te urmărește și nu ești singurul fraier (cum ar veni):

Is there anything that these restaurants can do to encourage people to pay more?

You have to feel like you’re being watched. You have to feel that other people are paying. You have to feel like you’re part of a cool experiment. Even with Radiohead. it’s wrong to call them neighborly, but their fans pretend they’re a tight-knit pool of cool people. That’s an illusion, but you’re still relying on a peer effect. It’s a way to feel you’re better — that you’re so committed to the band you paid for something out of your own pocket.

Tyler Cowen, Pay as you wish restaurants

Patru, vara nu e ca iarna pentru „plătești cât vrei” (pe scurt) – thank you Marius:

Considering short-run fluctuations in PWYW payments, we find evidence that supports the role of moods for economic behavior. Controlling for temperature, we observe significant, season-specific effects of sunshine on payments. During summer, longer periods of sunshine are negatively correlated with payments, while in autumn this correlation is positive.

Riener & Traxler – Norms, moods and free lunch 


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4 răspunsuri la „„Plătește cât vrei””
  1. Poate ar fi interesantă și experiența Humble Bundle – nu am însă niște articole care să spună despre succesul proiectelor. Dar Humble Bundle trăiește, și face destui bani. http://humblebundle.com/

  2. Interesant; sa mai updatezi articolul pe masura ce progresezi pe subiect

  3. Victor

    Ideea e aplicata si pentru creatorii de pe youtube care vor sa scape de reclame:


  4. Foarte util, mulțumesc 🙂