Etichetă: relatii

  • Citatul zilei din planning/cercetare

    „Qualitative researchers inhabit, by virtue of their primary task, a world which lies between people and things. We attempt to understand and illuminate people’s relationships with things, usually with the purpose of assisting the proprietors or creators of those things in strengthening this relationship in motivational terms. Meaning is ascribed by people to things. It…

  • Femeile ceva mai hotarate

    Apropo de toate insemnarile de saptamana asta pe tema femei, prostie, femei proaste, emancipate si ce mai vreti voi. Exista chiar si un fel de round-up: Ce a invatat zoso de la Monica Barladeanu „Voi pe ce lume traiti?!”, un monolog semnat avionaru Propria-mi insemnare „Cifrele care vorbesc despre femei„ Un articol din Cotidianul care…