sa indreptam parul

Știam eu că e ceva dubios la mijloc în toată afacerea asta  cu îndreptat părul artificial. Nu știu dacă în România a ajuns dar dacă da, vă rog nu fiți tembeli să încercați metode de îndreptat părul „permanent” (pentru 12 săptămâni). There is no „permanent”.

Ask someone who has had a Brazilian Blowout or other keratin straightening treatment, and more often than not you will get a giddy, breathless account of how it has changed her life.

“The long and short of it is that methylene glycol equals formaldehyde, period, get over it, done, move on.”

Formaldehyde is needed to bond with the keratin in these treatments, and that any product with less than 2% formaldehyde probably wouldn’t work. So you can draw the obvious conclusions.

The Brazilian Blowout

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Un răspuns la „sa indreptam parul”
  1. „I used to ask the guy who did my hair in NYC why our eyes burned so badly if it was natural and he would say, ‘Oh, I’m sure it is some plant based acids.’”
    OMG! I had no idea. Eu am parul drept, si mi-l torturez in sensul opus (read: I periodically burn it with my curler, which I guess is not nearly as bad as breathing in FORMALDEHYDE!!!).
    Formaldehyde is toxic, a „suspected” carcinogen in humans (it is a carcinogen in rats exposed to high amounts of it long term). Insa nu exista studii concludente la oameni (for the obvious reasons), desi sunt studii care au gasit higher incidences of cancer in workers from tanneries (care sunt expusi la formaldehyde).
    Acum Brazilian Blowout are pe site cica niste rezultate de la Occupational Safety and Health Administration care zic ca nivelul de formaldehyde este sub limita considerata periculoasa. Pe de alta parte, as long as it stings your eyes (!!!!) it’s WAY beyond the safe limit.
    Cica expunerile acute la formaldehyde nu au effecte pe termen lung (atata timp cat nu sunt concentratii extrem de mari care pot sa te omoare pe loc), asa ca clientele saloanelor nu sunt expuse decat o data la cateva luni (sau cand isi fac Brazilian Blowout) insa stilistii? Ei sunt expusi la chestia asta mult mai des, de fiecare data cand fac BB.