mood video pentru generatia y

We All Want to Be Young on Vimeo on Vimeo


Să nu uit să pun ăsta aici, că tot l-am căutat să ilustrez o idee cuiva și nu găseam pozele. Până când mi-am adus aminte că cineva a făcut un filmuleț care îmi scurtează mie munca. Mai puțin voice over-ul care mă enervează.


Şi nişte viziuni apocaliptice, dacă tot sunt aici:

‘We’d rather text than talk. It makes us feel more in control. We use digital technology to try to be efficient in our intimacies and it leaves us diminished. A mother explains that she cannot resist the „lure of the little red light” telling her that she has a new message on her BlackBerry, even when she is driving on the highway with her children in the car. We are vulnerable to the seduction of always-on/always-on-us connection. The unread message, that red light, has come to stand for our feelings of hope. That someone wants us, that something new is coming into our lives. – Much of the reaction to Alone Together has been critical, as though I have told the world to „unplug” … I have been portrayed as an anti-technology crusader. This rhetoric points to a serious problem.’

Sherry Turkle 1


‘The technology has power because it addresses psychological vulnerabilities that many of us have. We want connection, but many of us fear the consequences of connection. True intimacy can be very scary. …this is particularly true of the narcissists: „In a life of texting and messaging, those on that contact list can be made to appear almost on demand. You can take what you need and move on. And, if not gratified, you can try someone else.”

Edge Perspectives – Alone Together

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Un răspuns la „mood video pentru generatia y”
  1. Serg

    Argh.. interesant clip, dar voice-over-ul are o calitate Americana intr-un mod iritant.. Subscriu insa la „omg imi clipeste luminita, mesaj nou!” – dar momentan inca imi pare a fi destul de voluntar avand in vedere c-am avut saptamani in care nu aveam semnal/etc si nu m-am stresat deloc ca nu-s „conectat”. In schimb vad zilnic multe exemple de oameni care par incapabili sa traiasca fara CrackBerry / iThingy.