links for 2009-08-29

  • A friend of ours invited a new girl to his apartment to cook her an impressive dinner. He made sure every detail of the night—from the seasoning to the wine—was perfectly planned to impress her. He even made sure that the television was staged.

    When she arrived, he invited her in, told her dinner was almost ready and showed her to the couch and TV remote. When she turned it on, she found that the last thing he was watching was the History channel. He knew he immediately got brownie points over all of the ESPN and "S-Video 2" Xbox guys.

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2 răspunsuri la „links for 2009-08-29”
  1. stage the TV? asta`i buna! ma intreb cu ce femeie paranoica si atenta la asemenea detalii se intalneste tipul ala de a ajuns asa departe cu planificatul. pe mine nu m`ar interesa la ce se uita, mi`as face probleme numai daca are ceva chiar grav de tot (child porn sau snuff) pe TV.

  2. Ics ics ics

    Din pacate din ce in ce mai multa lume se comporta fals isi suprima opiniile si parerile personale in favoarea castigarii de prieteni si imagine de parca au citit cu totii „How to win friends and influence enemies” de Peter Feaver…

    plastic… cand incepi sa aplici advertising rules in viata de zi cu zi te transformi in oglinda de mucava si esti inconjurat de alte oglinzi de mucava… Plastic gri.