Categorie: Link Spam

  • links for 2009-11-17

    Martin Amis on Vladimir Nabokov's work | Books | The Guardian Nabokov nominated Ulysses as his novel of the century, but he described Finnegans Wake as, variously, "formless and dull", "a cold pudding of a book", "a tragic failure" and "a frightful bore" (tags: nabokov books writing literature guardian culture) Point/Counterpoint: A Brief Psychosocial Analysis…

  • links for 2009-10-26

    35 Greatest Speeches in History (tags: speech history politics inspiration) Are televisions getting too big? California is cracking down on big flat-screen televisions because of energy usage. But has the super-size TV set become an object of vulgarity? (tags: interesting television technology) BBC NEWS | Magazine | A tale of small numbers Governments can only…

  • links for 2009-10-22

    Set free your core narrative: the brand as storyteller (tags: transmedia planning branding storytelling)

  • links for 2009-10-20

    An update on Dubai’s crumbling heaven By February of this year, authorities had already found 3,000 abandoned cars at the airport. Many were top-of-the-range, almost-new. Some had maxed-out credit cards in their gloveboxes. Others had notes taped to the windshield, apologising for, y’know, fleeing the country with massive debts and all that. (tags: dubai money…

  • links for 2009-10-17

    The Co-Creation Landscape (tags: collaboration design patterns)

  • links for 2009-09-26

    With friends like these "Well," I said. "I now know all about him. And he now knows all about me. And I now know that he agrees with almost everything I say. And he knows that about me. We have roughly the same taste in books, music, politics, food and holiday resorts. We are –…