Lună: aprilie 2009

  • Romania, inca un brand de tara

    Mi-a ajuns pe la urechi ca iar se incearca un rebranding al tarii, de data asta cu sloganul ‘Romania, country of choice’ sau ceva in genul. Nu ma bag in detalii pentru ca nu vreau sa vorbesc despre o chestie de care n-am habar dar deja e ca in povestea aia cu baiatul si cu…

  • links for 2009-04-24

    Which face is the odd one out? "Amid the applause for Boyle was an acknowledgement that ironically, no-one better demonstrates that quality of being happy in their own skin than her. And that's what makes her attractive, regardless of how she looks." (tags: society beauty women)

  • Comic Sans MS

    Imi place comparatia cu un pocal de cristal. Si aprecierile fata de facebook si Harry Potter. Comic Sans from Sam and Anita on Vimeo.

  • Usor cu concertele…

    Dupa marele flop numit AC/DC la Bucuresti, am auzit ca ‘e oficial’ si ca vin Nine Inch Nails la Coke Live Peninsula in Targu Mures intre 23 si 26 Iulie. Site-ul Nine Inch Nails zice ca o sa fie in Budapesta pe 24 dar la ora la care scriu eu nu e nimic despre Targu…

  • Dove e pe Facebook

    Dove a reusit azi o chestie foarte draguta, pe langa campania pe bloguri (la care au participat  Pyuric, DaDa Moda, Lamaie,Sonia @ Ce Imbrac Azi, Roxana Radu, Idaho, Anurim, Tomata, Miruna @ Si Blondele Gandesc, Alinutze si Nasa): au avut o discutie pe Facebook, intre orele zece si patru. Cred ca pentru ei a fost un succes, mai ales ca au avut cam 800 de raspunsuri…

  • links for 2009-04-23

    How Pathological Liars Are Made "Most liars will lie about anything, even when it is not important and it does not matter," Dr. Jeanette said. "They just say anything because there is no connection with their emotional self." That emotional disconnect allows liars to believe their own lies. And that helps them convince others of…