Creativity test

Suppose I lied on the first part, but the uses I found to a brick …. 😀

The final result was …disturbing

via Dragos and Gabriel

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6 răspunsuri la „Creativity test”
  1. TsA

    building, anchor, paperweight, pet, toy, painting(powdered), decorative object, art, footstand, chimneypiece, grill, door lock, grapple,assault weapon, self-defence weapon, shrapnel, secret stash cover, bricklaying and masonry, wheel support, insulator, balast, ammunition, working out, end of shelf book holder, bad present, penholder, support, cd collection genre separator, novel title, novel subject, novel character, weapon of choice for assault on a bricklayer

    92.55 M-ai luat 😛

  2. Deea

    Hahah 😀 De bricklaying si masonry m-am luat si eu 😀

  3. mo

    omfg… u would do THAT with a brick? :PPP i scored 92.97 .. great link!!!

  4. LOL, I got only 4 or 5 uses for a brick, but I admit I didn’t take time, I took the test in a hurry. Besides (that kind of) creativity is not my strongest point. 😀

  5. imi cer ertare ca l-am considerat pe octiliniu ( cel mai creativ.

    Si-mi recunosc public greseala. Cred ca e tot din cauza scorului mic (al meu) la perspectiva si persistenta. Al dreacu testele astea.

  6. Brolly

    Point is ca degeaba puneti 10000 de uses for a brick,asta nu mareste sansele ca scorul final sa fie mai mare…proprie experienta.I got a 93.38 si nu am gasit atatea utilizari 😛 Mai interesanta mi s-a parut testul cu cele 2 imagini