Categorie: Munca

  • Volvo, what the hell!

    Ce s-a intamplat cu logo-ul Volvo dupa ce si-au dat seama ca sunt mai multe femei la volanul masinilor decat barbati (si au mai lasat si femei sa imagineze concept car Volvo) Ce urat din partea lor

  • Soft Coca Cola love

    Coca Cola : make every drop count Looks prettier now 🙂 But as all big company headlines, it leaves room to interpretation.

  • Save Our Walls si nu „Vreau mesh pe Arcul de Triumf„.

  • brand <3

    Branded nails, interesting and bizzare, otherwise uncomfortable. dr. pepper is good, they should bring more

  • Brand Activity

    Aflu ca intre 10 si 11 Noiembrie se desfasoara la Camera de Comert si Industrie ‘Brand Activity‘ Beneficiile Strategiei de Branding Cercetarea si segmentarea pietei Pozitionarea brand-ului Strategia de brand si Comunicarea Studii de caz : Revitalizarea brandului Pepsi O gramada de speakeri cunoscuti : Teodora Migdalovici, Razvan Matasel, Alexandra Gatej etc.

  • some years ago, connex

    For those of you who remember, this was spotted a few months ago in town. I wonder if they removed it since then. It brought back some nice memories of the ‘Future Sounds Bright’ era. And no, I’m not gay, I happened to like it a lot 😀