Categorie: Munca
Volvo, what the hell!
Ce s-a intamplat cu logo-ul Volvo dupa ce si-au dat seama ca sunt mai multe femei la volanul masinilor decat barbati (si au mai lasat si femei sa imagineze concept car Volvo) Ce urat din partea lor
Soft Coca Cola love
Coca Cola : make every drop count Looks prettier now 🙂 But as all big company headlines, it leaves room to interpretation.
Save Our Walls si nu „Vreau mesh pe Arcul de Triumf„.
brand <3
Branded nails, interesting and bizzare, otherwise uncomfortable. dr. pepper is good, they should bring more
Brand Activity
Aflu ca intre 10 si 11 Noiembrie se desfasoara la Camera de Comert si Industrie ‘Brand Activity‘ Beneficiile Strategiei de Branding Cercetarea si segmentarea pietei Pozitionarea brand-ului Strategia de brand si Comunicarea Studii de caz : Revitalizarea brandului Pepsi O gramada de speakeri cunoscuti : Teodora Migdalovici, Razvan Matasel, Alexandra Gatej etc.
some years ago, connex
For those of you who remember, this was spotted a few months ago in town. I wonder if they removed it since then. It brought back some nice memories of the ‘Future Sounds Bright’ era. And no, I’m not gay, I happened to like it a lot 😀