Categorie: Interesant
masina // autobuz // bicicleta
Flickr Photo Download: car / bus / bicycle. Sa zicem.
Cateva pareri care imi plac, uite asa de-aia: Primele doua in care se vorbeste despre un lucru pe cat de simplu, pe atat de evident: “The first visual impression (it’s just a big iPod Touch!) is seriously misleading. Until you actually hold it and interact with it, you can’t appreciate how its scale makes the…
Bine ca esti tu…
M-am intalnit zilele astea cu cineva care nu cred ca isi vrea numele public pe blog, asa ca de dragul anonimitatii o sa cenzurez si o sa zic ca m-am vazut cu Gigel! Gigel mi-a povestit despre ce se mai intampla prin Bucuresti, prin online, prin agentii poate si alte locuri de interes general, chestii…
Ca ne place sau nu..
(colectie de articole & citate) „We cannot simply dismiss video games and Facebook as mere ‘wastes of time.’ Instead, we are obligated to educate ourselves about them, and to try to understand what they mean, and what it means that we use them. Over seventy-three million people play Farmville.[7] Twenty-six million people play Farmville every…
Ne pare rau
How can they be tired of England?
MTV cum n-a mai fost inainte
MTV had some pretty weird idents before. Multe erau animatii, acum dupa rebranding s-au reorientat: MTV Rocks! – Ident Series from PostPanic on Vimeo. Cred ca-mi place miriapodul.