Categorie: Incredible
the originality that missed them
Azi eram in plimbare prin oras si intamplator ajungem pe ion mihalache, pe undeva pe langa mega image. Undeva inghesuit intre o farmacie si un salon de tuning auto (?) era un magazin Jaxx sau Mexx sau ceva cu 2 x ics la sfarsit care avea 2 manechine puse in vitrina. Apropiindu-ne, descoperim un tricou…
buy me, but skip the coffee
pendulat si pe YH, here it is: this blog is worth $32,743.32.Does yours worth? does it worth? (sic)
Burton winter
<3 <3 <3 If I win the lottery, I’m getting this:
some old stuff
since quizilla was online congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happybunny. You don’t care about anyone or anything.You must be so proud which happy bunny are you?
cea mai varza pagina
din tot B24Fun 2-8 septembrie 2005 este pagina 14. de sus pana jos. MIHNEA MIRCAAAAN, daca ma auzi, intoarce-te, ai mila!!