Larry Page despre machine learning și ce vor oamenii: 15 ani și suntem încă la început

Lumea poate să zică ce vrea despre Larry Page la TED dar îmi place contextul în care pune lucrurile:

„Actually when I think about it… you know search – it’s such a deep thing for all of us…to really understand what you want, to understand the world’s information; we are still very much in the early stages, which is totally crazy. I know I’ve been at it for 15 years already but it’s not at all done when it’s done.”

„For me this concept is really exciting; you take one program that can do a lot of different things. This is how machines looked at cats and what they came up with. See that image? It’s a cat designed by machines, seen by machines.
LP: Yeah, so this is learned just from watching YouTube – and there’s no training no notion of the cat but this kind of concept of a cat is something important that you can understand and the machines can sort of understand.”

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