Burberry in Taipei

Mi se pare genial conceptul – și am descoperit între timp că Burberry cheltuie cam 60% din bugetul de marketing pe digital. Nu e singurul motiv pentru care au succes la nivel mondial, dar între timp cealaltă companie britanică care îi era concurent direct – Aquascutum-  intră în insolvență. Să luam aminte; nu e timp să stai pe gânduri.

Și un citat, destul de relevant:

„Technological disruption is the equivalent of a meteor strike from outer space. The victims should have seen it coming but they were too busy looking at the competitor across the street to look at the flaming rock coming down out of the sky.

There are obviously nuances and specifics in each case; however, there are also commonalities. First, the doomed didn’t really understand their core value proposition. They woke up every morning and did things without understanding which of those activities were important to their consumers. As a result, their planning process only looked at linear projections of the future with marginal changes.

These companies almost always overestimated their customers’ loyalty. They thought they were getting an A, and, in reality, were getting a gentleman’s C. The new match for brands is that you’re only as good as the net difference between the consumers that love you and the consumers that hate you.”

The unexpected demise of great brands


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Un răspuns la „Burberry in Taipei”
  1. Agile* but fragile…

    PS. (mai*, ziua muncii)

    *Vacanta placuta