
Cateva pareri care imi plac, uite asa de-aia:

Primele doua in care se vorbeste despre un lucru pe cat de simplu, pe atat de evident:

“The first visual impression (it’s just a big iPod Touch!) is seriously misleading. Until you actually hold it and interact with it, you can’t appreciate how its scale makes the iPad a different animal from the iPhone and the Touch.”

Steven Levy – Wired

“I discovered that one doesn’t relate to it as a “tool”; the experience is closer to one’s relationship with a person or an animal. I know how weird that sounds. But consider for a moment. We are human beings; our first responses to anything are dominated not by calculations but by feelings. What Ive and his team understand is that if you have an object in your pocket or hand for hours every day, then your relationship with it is profound, human and emotional. Apple’s success has been founded on consumer products that address this side of us: their products make users smile as they reach forward to manipulate, touch, fondle, slide, tweak, pinch, prod and stroke.”

Stephen Fry – Time

Si a treia, despre toti oamenii ingrijorati ca nu putem sa-l desfacem, sa-l demontam si sa-l montam la loc:

“Such is the march of progress. 40 years ago you could open the hood of your car and see and touch just about every component in there. And you had to, because many of those components required frequent maintenance. To properly own a car required, to some degree, that you understood how a car worked. Today, you open the hood of your car and you see a big sealed block and a basin for the windshield washer fluid. You can buy a new car, drive it for years, and never once open the hood yourself.
Something important and valuable is indeed being lost as Apple shifts to this model of computing. But it’s a trade-off, because something new that is important and valuable has been gained.”

Si pot sa o inteleg si pe a patra, dar serios acum:
Buying an iPad for your kids isn’t a means of jump-starting the realization that the world is yours to take apart and reassemble; it’s a way of telling your offspring that even changing the batteries is something you have to leave to the professionals.
Cory Doctorow – BoingBoing

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3 răspunsuri la „iPad”
  1. dragut blogul . m-ai ”impuscat”. treci in blogroll!

    p.s : astept reciprocitatea ta.

  2. iPad este doar un suport pentru bunurile simbolice. Poate mai inspirat, ca design, cu o interfaţă mai prietenoasă(deşi lucrurile sunt departe de a fi clare în domeniu, problema interfeţei om-maşină rămâne de rezolvat), sigur într-o anumită tendinţă. Importantă este creaţia de bunuri simbolice. Şi asta ne obligă să ne întoarcem la lucrurile de bază, la cultură de tip umanist. Într-un fel, avem nevoie de o nouă Renaştere. Că de fiare nu ducem lipsă. Doar că s-ar putea să nu mai ştim ce să facem cu ele.

    Paşte fericit!

  3. vintila

    cele mai bune preturi pe http://www.quickmobile.ro