The Google Machine

Google Analytics, uncensored

(might need slight increase in new visitors)

City of origin : 1338 of the visitors come from Bucharest; 2nd place is Weston, US (32 visits) and 3rd place is Timisoara, 26 visits.
Nr. 1 keyword : „porno super nou 2005 elevi neculce”
Most viewed entry : The Bright Lights
Browsers : Firefox has beaten IE with 46.32% to 36.68%, which is almost 10%. Cute.
Connection speed : Cable / DSL 77.46% vs. Dial-up 6.13% 🙂
Average nr of visits from loyals : 9-200
Non-loyals that visited : 664
(from an average of 800 visits/day)
Length of visits (from 2000 visits – average): 1358 visit for 0-10 seconds, while 260 visits were between 61-180 seconds

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